Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hair Creatine Companies

Gorgonzola and walnuts in a spiral of pastry, with beer jelly and chestnut honey

When a dish has a name so pompous, 9 times out of 10 is a non-prescription.
This is one of those 9 times. :-D
It 's also a recipe for "recycled" in which I used the dough from rimastami endive cannoli and a slice of sandwich bread with yoghurt and jelly beer ready before Christmas.

Gorgonzola and walnuts in a spiral of pastry, with beer jelly and chestnut honey

pastry made by other preparations

Gorgonzola walnuts
jelly beer
chestnut honey 1 egg

Pull the dough to 3 mm thick and cut into strips 2 cm wide.
Grease and line of steel wheels and 8 cm in diameter and wrap the strips of pastry, cannoli obtaining the kind of wide and low, brush with a little beaten egg and bake at 200 ° C for 15 minutes. Let them cool and remove them gently.

take many slices of bread as there are spirals of dough and cut to a diameter slightly less than that of spirals.
Place each slice of bread into a spiral and sprinkle with a teaspoon of honey chestnut. Working
gorgonzola in a bowl until it is creamy, then with the help of the sac-a-few with the nozzle flat cannolo fill each pastry.
completed coarsely chopped walnuts and a spoonful of jelly and serve beer.


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