Thursday, February 17, 2011


sweet semolina gnocchi alla romana ... because nothing is as it seems!

The Karate instructor's job has its good risks, but these are not related to the danger of strokes to dodge, no: for all those good trainer is prepared and in each If during competitions, races and tests the strength is calibrated to do evil. The real problems however, in my opinion arise when you have to laugh and you're forced to hold back. There's bad risks, there are times when in my opinion touches stroke.

As has happened to the Master of Karate Pulcetta, my lovely niece.
The Pulcetta, a tuff of 6 years with the quicksilver on him, he started doing karate last year, along with his mother and brother. They arrive at the gym all three, separate a few minutes to changes in their locker room ("aunt because he is a male , not a change can come with us that we are females !!!") and then found all three to the lesson.
One day the Master came to mind to do individual interviews with students to test the seriousness of their commitment, and when it came the turn of Pulcetta she looked at him in the eye and said very seriously: "I like coming to Karate, but you know, I have commitments ... I do everything to come, but sometimes if you happen to not make it you have to understand me, because I have my schedule ...".
Now, if I had been in place of the Master, or I would burst out laughing , or I would have blown a vein for the effort. Apparently the Master has trained no fewer blood vessels of the muscles, because it seems that has not made a turn, but I also include the effects of laughter held between the risks of the trade.
The thing seemed over there, but on reflection should Pulcetta above, for a few days later, talking about the fact that we must respect its commitments, he explained: "You see her aunt, for example, if I have a pizza party with the Karate and someone invites me to a party, I have to go to pizza, you know, I made that commitment to me even before I was and I have to respect. "
Far be it from me to dissuade similar purposes: first, imagine this peperino the joke ready in ten years, I much prefer that you get used to prefer the output in a pizzeria of unspecified parties, where Heaven only knows what could happen, and then a girl who puts on pizza all other commitments promising: maybe qualcosuccia aunt took ... :-D

Let the (st) reindeer Carnival: as you know the theme is "Nothing is as it seems, and after the dome Flavia yesterday, today I propose the sweet version of a dish which is usually salty gnocchi alla romana.

semolina gnocchi alla romana DOLCE
From Italian Cooking, February 1996

For 30 dumplings about:
800 g milk 250 g semolina

200 g cream Fresh
50 g sugar 4 egg yolks
(I made 2)
2 tablespoons Grand Marnier
1 vanilla bean (seeds)

butter crumbs panbrioche

For the sauce: 100 g
white chocolate
100 g fresh cream
1 egg (I did not put)
1 tablespoon rum

Prepare the gnocchi: Boil the milk with the cream, sugar, seeds of vanilla and a pinch of salt. Throw in the semolina, stirring constantly and cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat, incorporate the egg yolks and Grand Marnier and spread the polenta so obtained on a buttered plate. Allow to cool completely.
Using a pastry cutter cut into disks, which are adjusted gradually in a greased baking dish butter.
Sprinkle with a knob of butter and brioche bread crumbs and grill in the oven.

Meanwhile prepare the sauce: chop the white chocolate and place in a saucepan with the cream, rum and egg yolk (egg yolk I have not used). Warm water bath to working with a whisk to combine ingredients and whisk until sauce get a semi.
Pour over baked gnocchi and serve immediately.


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