Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Welcome Letter To Doctors Office Of Medicine

Recipe: Torta rustica prunes

I know of having to apologize to the entire blogosphere, or at least the part that follows me and I always promised myself to follow.
Unfortunately, under migraine attack for the third week in a row, and not take it anymore. February has also been a hard month because my mom had to go to cure her, his mother, and left me the task of keeping an eye on Dad.
All this to tell you that latito shamelessly from your blog and I do a great deal of trouble to update mine.

In this Saturday, I broke the dishwasher, and I was flooded the kitchen (I have to say that my kitchen has a penchant for flooding, the next thing on the floor below has largely benefited but I will speak of this again ...). On Monday I called the plumber, who has promised to pass me by Tuesday after the 18, and his verdict was that I had to call the technical support of the dishwasher, and was honest, because I was not asked for anything for the exit. .. but I hope I do not have to change the dishwasher! :-(

But not digress: I was talking about the fact that they are dangerously behind with my visits around the blog-friends. There are lots of contests and activities that I love it and to whom I had promised to participate, but then I escaped. Fortunately, we thought the Massaia Canterina to recall the order: I liked his initiative the recipe next door and I must have left a positive comment, then nothing (ehm.. ..) But you, lovely, it was not to be discouraged by my silence the press and sent me mail with a recipe that was exactly what he did to my case, this period in which migraine may be added to the depression.

In this recipe I liked everything, from the first reading: whole wheat flour that gives it that rustic, so perfect for prunes, yogurt, thanks to which we could give up the yeast to the baking soda (which among other things, we declined to add a pinch of salt), fragrant spices and savory brown sugar. A rustic pie, suitable for a snack or for breakfast.

Torta Rustica prunes
of Massaia Canterina

125 grams of wheat flour
100 grams of dried plums
100 grams of yogurt (I had it right ... a plum!)
100 grams of brown sugar
100 grams of sunflower oil (I substituted with melted butter) 2 eggs

5 grams of baking cinnamon

nutmeg (I added a couple of nails cloves crushed)

Preheat oven to 180 ° C in static and butter and flour a pan diameter of 20 cm. Cut the plums into small pieces and melt the butter.
In a bowl, mix the flour, sugar, spices and baking soda.
I wanted to add the spices mentioned by Elisa also two cloves crushed, because I really love the warm aroma of this spice.
Add eggs, melted butter and cold, yogurt and prunes.
Pour the mixture into the cake tin and bake for 35-40 minutes (toothpick test).
Turn out the cake on a wire rack and allow to cool before serving.
I've served with a dollop of plum jam I made last fall and of course ... it was great! :-P

Ah, I forgot the plumber arrived just as I photographed the cake ... what a shame! :-D


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