Saturday, March 5, 2011

Masterbation Homeitems Pic

The streak is not broken ...

NC Carpenwood Lioness - Niu Lizard Ghedi 3-2

Niu Lizard that is presented to the Village in training Prealpino altered, in spite of the large early-season rose for the first in the year there are empty spaces on the bench, does not require the squad and there's alter-ego for each role.
Match that occurs balanced right from the start: Niu Lizard initially closer in phase-coverage defense, but continued to denounce a lack of effectiveness on offense.
first set that still sees a troubled guest victory (1-0) : inversion of the field and contention that, in substance and content, changes little. Rooms that grow in attack and Niu Lizard, which won a few points of margin, it gives pause unduly tainted by errors of understanding about "balls easy" to play again. (1-1)
Back in and third leg of race sees us starve, except to find certainty and serious points in the skipper with the arrival of the coach in dribble: mini-deserved comeback and wins the set. (2-1)
fourth stint with the Niu Lizard that seems to make his own game, but then things get complicated heartened opponents: brings out a little 'jittery, dictated by "not being able to do well "and encouraged by the race committee " fanciful ". few touches of the 2nd booed our dribbler with the ball hit under the net, in a case guilty of "hitting" ( if I had not heard with my own ears I would not have believed it! ) for the simple fact that he hit the ball with one hand (when it is obvious that does not go over the net!) And an unlikely location for a foul on our ground and then beaten in a "contest".
Confusion creates confusion , is an illustration of a wall in the spectacular underground Jalo ... sin that was second in line!? Niu Lizard that has a couple of opportunities to close the game but wasted the match point and the return of the affected premises that have the better the wire. (2-2)
For the first time all season, you go to tie break : rough start with 0-3, but fought back and that is constantly on the edge, so that the exchange rate on the field we are 7-8 for the hosts. Niu
Lizard throws in that field all the latest resources physical and nervous and it seems, not without difficulty, to get the better: other match balls recapture the local challenge that goes to the advantages and at the first opportunity that closes the Lioness match with a service ace-misinterpreted out of the line of defense and that shuts down the baseline. (2-3)
streak that seems to know no end, and moral hazard under the heels, especially now that we expect a commitment prohibitive Friday against Chiesanuova today defeated only by the leaders we will be reworked, but still try to field a maximum effort and concentration to get out, despite the outcome, with a good try!

Without entering into polemics, failing to do so in the game do not see why do it now, but with the intent to render a service public benefit open the chapter UISP - BRIEF REGULATORY that could be repeated on every occasion according to the situations existing in the field.
Chapter 13.2.3: A defender may also complete any attack in the frontcourt, where at the touch of the ball is entirely above the upper edge of the network (Figure 7)


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